Home / School News / River Runner Weekly – Feb. 12, 2024


Good afternoon River Runner families, I hope this message finds you safe and well on this beautiful Friday.  As we head into this extended long weekend, I hope you are able to find some time to spend with those closest to you in this very busy world!  We enjoyed a satisfying 4-day week here at Saseenos, highlighted by a treat-fuelled Valentine’s Day…

As the days are getting longer, and the winter-weather appears further in the rear-view mirror, one can’t help but feel buoyed by the oncoming Spring that seems to be creeping into the air.  Throughout my many years on this planet I have learned that January and February can be some of the tougher months for humans, so please remember to count your good fortunes in this world, and remember that warmer days are just around that proverbial corner!  Most importantly, we are in this together, so please reach out should you feel the neeed–we will always do our best to help in whatever way possible.

Please note that our Talent Show, originally scheduled for February 28, has been rescheduled…

Our Saseenos Talent Show has been rescheduled to Wednesday, March 6 at 1pm. A dress rehearsal will take place on that day just after recess. Ms. Parliament/Mrs. MacDonald will be contacting all families of students signed up to share their talents with a rehearsal schedule for either Monday, February 26 or Thursday, February 29 at lunch. If your child was going to participate by sending in a recording of their talent, these videos are due ASAP. Please contact Ms. Parliament at lparliament@sd62.bc.ca and CC Mrs. MacDonald amacdonald@sd62.bc.ca for more information on the talent show.

-Ms. P and Mrs. MacDonald

Please read further for some important Fine Arts-related updates from Ms. Parliament:


Our Saseenos Choir is getting ready to join in the fun at the Sooke Sing Out in March. This year the Sooke Sing Out will be held at JOURNEY Middle School on Tuesday, March 12. All of the Sooke Elementary Schools and the Sooke Community Choir will join in and fill the JMS Gym with song! Choristers are to arrive at 6:30 for a 7:00-8:00 performance in the gym. The Choir is practicing “When I Grow Up”, “Lollipop Tree” and “Pirate Song”. These are all from Music Play Online and can be accessed with the website musicplayonline.com using access code M205562 Questions about the Sooke Sing Out? Please email Ms. P: lparliament@sd62.bc.ca


Last month the Cascadia Strings from the Victoria Symphony visited our school for an inspiring instrumental performance. This week the Grade 4s and 5s will be heading to UVIC to enjoy the Victoria Symphony in person at the Farquar Auditorium for the “Birds We Have Known” Concert on Thursday, February 22.

A huge thank you to Ms. P for providing and enabling these great opportunites for our River Runners.  We very much appreciate the extra time devoted to planning and prepping on behalf of our little ones and staff alike.

Thank you again to our amazing PAC for the ultra-successful Family Valentine’s Day dance last Friday evening.  We are so fortunate to have these volunteers providing opportunities of this nature for our school community.  On the PAC side of things, please remember that our next Bottle Drive is scheduled for February 25.  Volunteers are always appreciated and very much welcomed if you are ready, willing and able!  Please reach out should you have any questions on this one.

Please be Sure to Add These Dates to Your Family Calendars:

Fri, Feb 16                                   Non-Instructional Day (No School for students)

Mon, Feb 19                                Family Day (No School)

Sun, Feb 25                                 PAC Bottle Drive

Wed, March 6                              Talent Show

Fri, Mar 15                                    Last Day Before Spring Break

Wed, Apr 3                                   Schools Reopen         

Thank you again for all that each of you on behalf of our beautiful little school.  As I so often mention, we are truly lucky to be on this journey together!  Our little River Runners are truly precious beings, and success is the product of a thriving, collaborative school/home partnership.  Let’s continue working together as we head towards that June finish line of sorts.

Please have a wonderful weekend.
